Thrones of Mars. book 1
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Forget everything else you've heard. This. Is. It.
An astronaut dies whilst undergoing training, suspicions are raised about the cause, but those involved in the investigation are killed in an aircraft crash. Only Michelle is left with doubts and evidence of wrongdoing.
The Chinese back out of the mission, so it was decided to advance things quickly to avoid the whole thing being scrapped.
Ash goes on a space-walk with Mary-Jo when he sees something unexpected and alien-like.
The three ‘James Bond’ type books.
Other books by the same author: –
All these books are available from Amazon/Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Smashwords, Sony, e-book, and many other digital dealers.
Also available there are signed paperbacks directly from the author via:
Part two of this story,
Life on Mars
Life on Mars
… an astronaut is cast adrift in space. She is now too far for a rescue mission.
Then a man appears in tee shirt and jeans on a sort of scaffold with a rocket attatched.
And the robots have devised a novel way to get back to Earth.
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Thrones of Mars book 1